Monday, June 30, 2014

St. Louis

Last night the temperature dropped down to about 72 and we all had a good nights sleep. We left the campground around 9AM and headed to Walmart. We finally hit the road around 10AM. The next stop was to have lunch at the St. Louis arch and meet a past coworker of mine Kelly there. We were running behind but luckily there was a time change so we would be given an hour back. Yea!!! On the way there it rained off and on and generally looked like bad weather was going to be happening when we got to St. Louis. Luckily when we got there it remained overcast but no rain. We met Kelly and had a picnic lunch and just got caught up in general. Kelly left Southern about 3 years ago so it was great to see her. Dad and Joanne tried to go to the arch but the line was too long so we decided to get back to the road. We still had over three more hours to go so we got back on the road.

Kelly and Lyn

We were all pretty tired when we finally got to the KOA Kansas City  East campground. Lyn started fixing a late dinner and the rest of us set up camp. Btw it was hot not just hot but hot and humid. If needed a reminder of how hot it was just ask Joanne she was ready to tell you this fact at any moment. We started referring to her as the hot lady!!! Ha Ha We were all kind of on the struggle bus! Organization and getting into a routine has been the hardest thing to get nailed down. We are a traveling caravan with thousands of pieces t keep up with and are not doing a very good job at the moment. About every 5 minutes we would here my Dad ask Joanne where an item was only to be told that he just had it in is hand earlier. This was always followed by my Dad saying "I know that! I am asking where it is now." Finally my Dad told me he was going to take a shower and try to come back with a better attitude!! Ha Ha! Well I am not sure if it worked but he did come back clean and much cooler then when he left Luckily the temperature dropped and we all slept great and felt much better this morning. Today it is off to South Dakota and Jellystone Campground!!!! 

"The Hot Lady!"

Rest stop lunch!

Chilling out!

49.8 MPG! Loving the Prius!

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